Bring on the fun! Improvisation for Managing ADHD!

Bring on the fun! Improvisation for Managing ADHD!

Going the distance with managing our most challenging ADHD traits can be daunting.  Sometimes we find ourselves in the muck and mire of the struggle.  But it does not have to be that way.  We can find more joy, grace, and ease within the day-to-day challenges we face. 

It's all how we look at it! And how we work on it.  

 Are you feeling down and in the thick of the struggle right now?  Mundane, heavy,...

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ADHD Life with Grace and Ease....Its all about Transitions!


Let's Talk About Transitions!! What are they? What do they look like? How can they help add grace and ease to our lives? Read on to find out....

Since it's back-to-school time for many of us I thought this would be a great time to share thoughts on how transitions can help make life easier! Actually, you don't necessarily need a big change or a seasonal shift to use transitions.  You can also find ways to utilize transitions as a tool in the day to day to ease your flow into and...

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